Thursday, January 11, 2007

Swinging smooth

Arnold got the side gate on our little yard up yesterday, and today we had several more public hangings of the only variety I'll tolerate: the 6-foot gates on either side of the house.

As I watched him set the pieces into place, I understood all the strings and levels, the checks on straightness and plumb. Not only does it look great from the street; it also works like a dream.

I know he makes it look easy, but when things are right, it's certainly easier: Set a well-made gate between well-made posts, and you've won half the battle already. The gate unlatches, swings, swings back and closes with the flick of a finger.

In the second picture, Mr. B has finished up what otherwise would have been an ugly sheet of plywood that the control boxes for our pool equipment will hang on.

Dennis the electrician suggested 2-bys and pickets instead of plywood -- better look, better durability -- and Arnold executed it with finesse.

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