Monday, January 22, 2007

Counter measures

Germán and his crew from Miami came by early Monday for our counter installation, and they were still finishing up the third bathroom after dusk. A long day, and a productive one.

It took all five of them to wrestle the big pieces off the truck, up the steps and into place.

This was the big L -- one piece that makes up the right side of the kitchen counter. (Germán is in the red shirt, by the way.) Just at the left edge of the picture is the cutout for half of the undermounted sink.
Luís -- "Lucho" -- is Germán's right-hand guy, and he shaved the left piece along the sink wall to get a perfect fit. Better to start with too much than too little.

The guys wrestle the left piece into place. You can see the sink cutout on the right end.

Then it's time for the island -- one very big, heavy slab.

Luís made the cutout in place for the cooktop, along with diamond-grinding the epoxied seam at the sink. By the time he was done, it was all but invisible.

Finally, the cooktop (yes, it's a Maytag, and their biggest) goes into place. And it fits, with a tolerance you can't believe.

An edgy day -- but nothing snapped: not the big angled piece, not the sink cutouts and most surprising of all not my nerves.

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