Thursday, January 11, 2007

So much for the stain

With a few long strokes of the brush, Darren hit a milestone on Thursday: Apart from a few touches and trims, the ceiling stain is done, giving his and Roy's aching necks a break.

A thousand miles away, Robert is having some pains of his own, and I can understand them totally.

"Is it too yellow?," he asked this morning, looking at yesterday's picture from the top of the stairs.

It's definitely yellow, I told him -- but the effective shade depends a lot on the surroundings, the light levels and about a billion other variables of perception.

Here, for example, there's a rosy glow near the ceiling. The color is much clearer down low. Add art, draperies, furniture. . . .

But all that said, I'll be much happier when the clear poly glaze evens out the reflectivity and the whole thing can mellow a bit.

Not on the same level, of course, but there's the story about Lady Spencer, Diana's mother, who was asked about the brightness of some newly regilded furniture. "Give it a few hundred years," she's reported to have said. "It'll calm down."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

title this: a thousand shades of doubt
it took your california friend in this business years to finally get over that "gasping for breath feeling when the first major color or finish you've selected goes in" you are so right John. it IS the TOTAL of the composition, not just a single element. Of course it is too yellow now, that is all you see. just wait. it will "calm down" even without a few hundred years. afterall, the perfect black dress is way TOO black, until the perfect set of pearls is put on. jb