Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Our granite guy, Germán (say hair-MAHN), is back from his Christmas visit to Colombia, and stopped by Tuesday to make lath templates of our kitchen and bathroom counters.

When the kitchen L he's carrying here wouldn't fit into the back of his pickup, he bowed it into place so it wouldn't blow away on his long drive up to Miami, and we both laughed about how much easier granite would be to deal with if it behaved that way.

He's actually going to bring this "piece" in two sections, joining at the sink, which is just about even with his shirt. A seam there will be far less visible than the alternative, which would be along the square on the right.

He'll be back next week with the finished products, and we'll be ready for him. Dennis the electrician is coming back in the next couple days to put in whatever undercounter lines remain, the cooktop is being delivered tomorrow and I've got all the sinks and faucets Germán will need out of storage and in the back of my car.

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