Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Told 'ya

The wall I said you wouldn't be able to see through is there on your left, in the living room. And Brantley is making sure you can't see the second-floor joists by putting in the ceiling.

This is moving ahead faster than I might have thought -- and chewing through more wood than anybody might have figured.

But it looks so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

daer sweet J, oh my goodness. having been swamped by the madness of our life of late i have not checked into your little dreams for too long. i am heartsick at all that's happened. lena. the fact that drywall is just now happening. oh those weeks and months dragged on here til i thought they would skin me alive. it was hell. the starts and stops, mostly stops. my heart breaks for lena. and the hilarious marching vulva. and the moon in the morning sky. so much in one blog. so much. will try to read closely to see where ref went. i send love. and prayers of strength to see it through. i stand in my kitchen now, loving it. pinching myself. so much it took to get there. it took a piece of my heart and about 15 pounds of worry. sick worry. i must cook it back on. more later. love, your old friend B