Saturday, May 27, 2006

Strung out

It was great to see Gregory back on the job Saturday. He had the day off from his commercial gig, and he, Ref and Brantley were putting new rafters under the old roof, doubling up to provide 16-inch centers and make insulation easier when that time comes.

All week, Ref had been explaining the Stafford System -- snapping strings as guidelines to guard against wavy-wall syndrome -- and the fluorescent pink lines finally went up.

Jim, who had wandered onto the job earlier in the week, never seemed to get the idea. Let's just say he isn't likely to be back soon.

But there must have been fluorescence in the air: the guys were all in their best tropic-tone t-shirts.

Ref had an interesting observation on the old roof, by the way. Notice the dark boards, alternating with the light ones. The dark ones are very old cedar -- originals, on 12-inch centers. The light ones were added in later to fill in the gaps.

It amazes me that the old roof, strength gaps and all, has weathered 98 years.

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