Tuesday, December 04, 2007

You do the math

{[nAG + (nCG x CGF)] x nM x nD} = HEQ

where AG is the number of adult guests, CG is the number of child guests, CGF is the Child Guest Factor [CGF = (16-n)², where n is the child guest's age], M is the number of meals, D is the number of days stayed and HEF is the Host Exhaustion Quotient.

Don't get me wrong. It was terrific to have Malinda and her brood here for the better part of the week around Thanksgiving; just exhausting. Here's Esmond giving Addison a taste of mango sorbet at a lunch we had on the beach after parasailing, one of Addie's quieter moments at a res- taurant. By the end of the visit we were eating mostly at home.

The morning after they all left (biscuits and gravy for 12, plus a few dozen scrambled eggs), we were just starting to clear debris when Roy came by. He was Nick's best friend, and it turned out that that night was the only chance we'd have to cook dinner for Steve, Roy and Roy's partner, Ken, who was going back to the West Coast the next morning.

So we did a rapidito total-house cleaning and served up a very garlicky tetrazzini (Steve hadn't had turkey yet), a little salad and carrot cake.

After that, we pretty much crashed for a few days, aside from an opening night at the Red Barn Theater, the Christmas parade, bowling at the Monkey Bar. . . .

Until now.

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