Saturday, December 08, 2007

All aglow

The old harbor, stretched out from the Pier House, had a glow I could feel Thursday night.

We'd gone there to give me a one-night-early birthday present: Carmen Rodriguez singing in the Wine Room, whose huge doors open onto the patio where I got this shot.

She was in fine form, and so was Donna the bartender, radiant in anticipation of a move to St. Thomas.

The night was balmy -- as was my birthday itself. To my mind, weather doesn't get better than southerly breezes in the 80s, and I couldn't stop smiling at the palms swaying and flags snapping around town.

We ended with a glow, too: Vie and Mike from the Flamingo came over for drinks, and closed a perfect day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang. i was going to call friday, to make my usual one-day-early wishes. but i laughed thinking no this year i'll get it right. but then saturday came and went. all lost in a head that wouldn't stop throbbing. dang. seems i cannot get it right. immaculate conception, indeed. i send love and latest darnedest birthday wishes. anniversary too. oh, what a week. love, a faraway friend