Monday, August 13, 2007

High as an elephant's . . . ear

I mentioned elephant ears the other day.

When the sun's just up, when it's in the middle 80s and direct heat is just reaching the summer house, the clumps stand well over 6 feet tall. (Those are banana trees behind them.)

They get lower as the temperature climbs -- but they always remind me of a morning in Kenya, standing in a Jeep while several hundred real elephant ears whooshed around us like a stream roaring around a rock.

Mothers, bulls, aunties, babies -- a rumbling gray herd, paying us no attention as they moved to new grazing ground, ears waving as if caught by a soft-pulsing wind.

Gray or green, I love them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and that incredible smell when the elephants weight crushed the grasses, herbal earthy and fresh...

mornings in hhf also have that wonderful earthy smell, especially the gardens & grass around the pool
nothing more wonderful than an early morning cup of coffee while sitting by the pool and that intoxicating damp smell, watching the mist over the lake
