Thursday, April 17, 2008

Looking up

I mean my internet connect- ivity, of course, because this is looking through -- through the weeping cherries.

The satellite guy came late yesterday afternoon, and by dusk there was a dish in place, hidden back behind the garage wall, beaming up and down (quicker down) and providing about as fast a connection as our Key West DSL.

It's a little like escaping a vat of molasses -- though certainly cold molasses: This morning it's 40, and we're still waiting before bringing the bananas and other tender things out of the greenhouse.


Anonymous said...

glad to have you back in what I call the semi-fast lane on the internet highway....yep, uploads sorta crawl but
I decided it was far better than the alternative

I actually missed seeing the image of Robert, with a dish strapped to his head standing in the middle of the courtyard!

John said...

semi-fast -- another way of saying half-fast?