Saturday, July 08, 2006

For a while it's RIP -- rest in pieces

Yep, that's Gregory, back from a quick cruise to Cozumel (welcome home!), and Brantley. You'd think a crowbar and that big blue pry bar would make short work of it, but this sheet alone took 15 minutes or so of hot, sweaty work.

Take a look at the joists behind the guys -- detached on the left, to be pulled up to the level of the farthest board you can see. Ref also plans to plane the big beam under Brantley's right foot.

What a needless expenditure of time and money -- all because Pop and the Weasels felt just fine about being paid well for a job poorly done. There is some irony in it: Their shortcuts included failing to glue the plywood, so at least it's that much easier to correct their other mistakes.

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